Gets the pipelines defined within the pipeline interface

getPipelines(.Object, protocolName = NULL)

# S4 method for Config
getPipelines(.Object, protocolName = NULL)



a pipeline interface, an object of Config-class


a string or vector of strings indicating the protocols for which the pipelines should be returned


a list of pipelines, objets of Config-class


To get all the pipelines (default) do not specify any protocolName

Methods (by class)

  • Config: extracts pipelines from a pipeline interface


projectConfig = system.file("extdata", "example_peps-master", "example_piface", "project_config.yaml", package = "BiocProject") p = Project(file = projectConfig)
#> Loaded config file: /Users/mstolarczyk/Uczelnia/UVA/code/BiocProject/inst/extdata/example_peps-master/example_piface/project_config.yaml
pifaces = getPipelineInterfaces(p) getPipelines(pifaces[[1]])
#> $ #> Config object. Class: Config #> name: PIPELINE1 #> path: pipelines/ #> looper_args: TRUE #> required_input_files: read1 #> all_input_files: read1 read2 #> ngs_input_files: read1 read2 #> arguments: #> --sample-name: sample_name #> outputs: #> output1: pipeline1/{sample.sample_name}_{sample.Sample_geo_accession} #> output2: pipeline1/{sample.sample_name}_{sample.Sample_geo_accession} #> bioconductor: #> readFunName: readData #> readFunPath: readData.R #> #> $ #> Config object. Class: Config #> name: PIPELINE2 #> path: pipelines/ #> looper_args: TRUE #> required_input_files: read1 #> all_input_files: read1 read2 #> ngs_input_files: read1 read2 #> arguments: #> --sample-name: sample_name #> outputs: #> output1: pipeline2/{sample.sample_name}_{sample.Sample_geo_accession} #> output2: pipeline2/{sample.sample_name}_{sample.Sample_geo_accession} #> bioconductor: #> readFunName: readData #> readFunPath: readData.R #>