Package divvy Documentation

Class ComputingConfiguration

Represents computing configuration objects.

The ComputingConfiguration class provides a computing configuration object that is an in memory representation of a divvy computing configuration file. This object has various functions to allow a user to activate, modify, and retrieve computing configuration files, and use these values to populate job submission script templates.


  • config_file -- str: YAML file specifying computing package data (TheDIVCFG file).
  • no_env_error -- type: type of exception to raise if divvysettings can't be established, optional; if null (the default), a warning message will be logged, and no exception will be raised.
  • no_compute_exception -- type: type of exception to raise if computesettings can't be established, optional; if null (the default), a warning message will be logged, and no exception will be raised.


Environment variable through which to access compute settings.

def compute_env_var(self)


list[str]: names of candidate environment variables, for whichvalue may be path to compute settings file; first found is used.


Path to default compute environment settings file.

def default_config_file(self)


str: Path to default compute settings file


Get the currently active submission template.

def template(self)


str: submission script content template for current state


Path to folder with default submission templates.

def templates_folder(self)


str: path to folder with default submission templates


Write a submission script by populating a template with data.

def write_submit_script(fp, content, data)


  • fp -- str: Path to the file to which to create/write submissions script.
  • content -- str: Template for submission script, defining keys thatwill be filled by given data
  • data -- Mapping: a "pool" from which values are available to replacekeys in the template


str: Path to the submission script