Package peppy Documentation

Class Project

A class to model a Project (collection of samples and metadata).


  • config_file -- str: Project config file (YAML).
  • subproject -- str: Subproject to use within configuration file, optional
  • dry -- bool: If dry mode is activated, no directorieswill be created upon project instantiation.
  • permissive -- bool: Whether a error should be thrown ifa sample input file(s) do not exist or cannot be open.
  • file_checks -- bool: Whether sample input files should be checkedfor their attributes (read type, read length) if this is not set in sample metadata.
  • compute_env_file -- str: Environment configuration YAML file specifyingcompute settings.
  • no_environment_exception -- type: type of exception to raise if environmentsettings can't be established, optional; if null (the default), a warning message will be logged, and no exception will be raised.
  • no_compute_exception -- type: type of exception to raise if computesettings can't be established, optional; if null (the default), a warning message will be logged, and no exception will be raised.
  • defer_sample_construction -- bool: whether to wait to build this Project'sSample objects until they're needed, optional; by default, the basic Sample is created during Project construction


    from models import Project
    prj = Project("config.yaml")


Update settings based on subproject-specific values.

This method will update Project attributes, adding new values associated with the subproject indicated, and in case of collision with an existing key/attribute the subproject's value will be favored.

def activate_subproject(self, subproject)


  • subproject -- str: A string with a subproject name to be activated


peppy.Project: Updated Project instance


Create table of subset of samples matching one of given protocols.

def build_sheet(self, *protocols)


pandas.core.frame.DataFrame: DataFrame with from base versionof each of this Project's samples, for indicated protocol(s) if given, else all of this Project's samples


Return key-value pairs of pan-Sample constants for this Project.

def constants(self)


Mapping: collection of KV pairs, each representing a pairingof attribute name and attribute value


Copy self to a new object.

def copy(self)


Bring the original project settings back

This method will bring the original project settings back after the subproject activation.

def deactivate_subproject(self)


peppy.Project: Updated Project instance


Collection of sample attributes for which value of each is derived from elsewhere

def derived_columns(self)


list[str]: sample attribute names for which value is derived


Finalize the establishment of a path to this project's pipelines.

With the passed argument, override anything already set. Otherwise, prefer path provided in this project's config, then local pipelines folder, then a location set in project environment.

def finalize_pipelines_directory(self, pipe_path='')


  • pipe_path -- str: (absolute) path to pipelines


  • PipelinesException: if (prioritized) search in attempt toconfirm or set pipelines directory failed
  • TypeError: if pipeline(s) path(s) argument is provided andcan't be interpreted as a single path or as a flat collection of path(s)


For this project, given a pipeline, return an argument string specified in the project config file.

def get_arg_string(self, pipeline_name)


Get an individual sample object from the project.

Will raise a ValueError if the sample is not found. In the case of multiple samples with the same name (which is not typically allowed), a warning is raised and the first sample is returned.

def get_sample(self, sample_name)


  • sample_name -- str: The name of a sample to retrieve


Sample: The requested Sample object


Returns a list of sample objects given a list of sample names

def get_samples(self, sample_names)


  • sample_names -- list: A list of sample names to retrieve


list[Sample]: A list of Sample objects


From indicated sample get particular subsample.

def get_subsample(self, sample_name, subsample_name)


  • sample_name -- str: Name of Sample from which to get subsample
  • subsample_name -- str: Name of Subsample to get


peppy.Subsample: The Subsample of requested name from indicatedsample matching given name


Collection of sample attributes for which value of each is implied by other(s)

def implied_columns(self)


list[str]: sample attribute names for which value is implied by other(s)


Infer project name from config file path.

First assume the name is the folder in which the config file resides, unless that folder is named "metadata", in which case the project name is the parent of that folder.

def infer_name(self)


str: inferred name for project.


Creates project directory structure if it doesn't exist.

def make_project_dirs(self)


Count the number of samples available in this Project.

def num_samples(self)


int: number of samples available in this Project.


Directory in which to place results and submissions folders.

By default, assume that the project's configuration file specifies an output directory, and that this is therefore available within the project metadata. If that assumption does not hold, though, consider the folder in which the project configuration file lives to be the project's output directory.

def output_dir(self)


str: path to the project's output directory, either asspecified in the configuration file or the folder that contains the project's configuration file.


Parse provided yaml config file and check required fields exist.

def parse_config_file(self, subproject=None)


  • subproject -- str: Name of subproject to activate, optional


  • KeyError: if config file lacks required section(s)


Check if csv file exists and has all required columns.

def parse_sample_sheet(sample_file, dtype=<class 'str'>)


  • sample_file -- str: path to sample annotations file.
  • dtype -- type: data type for CSV read.


pandas.core.frame.DataFrame: table populated by the project'ssample annotations data


  • IOError: if given annotations file can't be read.
  • ValueError: if required column(s) is/are missing.


Names of folders to nest within a project output directory.

def project_folders(self)


Iterable[str]: names of output-nested folders


Determine this Project's unique protocol names.

def protocols(self)


Set[str]: collection of this Project's unique protocol names


Names of metadata fields that must be present for a valid project.

Make a base project as unconstrained as possible by requiring no specific metadata attributes. It's likely that some common-sense requirements may arise in domain-specific client applications, in which case this can be redefined in a subclass.

def required_metadata(self)


Iterable[str]: names of metadata fields required by a project


Get the path to the project's sample annotations sheet.

def sample_annotation(self)


str: path to the project's sample annotations sheet


Names of samples of which this Project is aware.

def sample_names(self)


Return the data table that stores metadata for subsamples/units.

def sample_subannotation(self)


pandas.core.frame.DataFrame | NoneType: table ofsubsamples/units metadata


Return (possibly first parsing/building) the table of samples.

def sample_table(self)


pandas.core.frame.DataFrame | NoneType: table of samples'metadata, if one is defined


Generic/base Sample instance for each of this Project's samples.

def samples(self)


Iterable[Sample]: Sample instance for eachof this Project's samples


Make the project's public_html folder executable.

def set_project_permissions(self)


Annotations/metadata sheet describing this Project's samples.

def sheet(self)


pandas.core.frame.DataFrame: table of samples in this Project


Return currently active subproject or None if none was activated

def subproject(self)


str: name of currently active subproject


Return (possibly first parsing/building) the table of subsamples.

def subsample_table(self)


pandas.core.frame.DataFrame | NoneType: table of subsamples'metadata, if the project defines such a table


Path to folder with default submission templates.

def templates_folder(self)


str: path to folder with default submission templates

Class MissingMetadataException

Project needs certain metadata.

Class MissingSampleSheetError

Represent case in which sample sheet is specified but nonexistent.

Class Sample

Class to model Samples based on a pandas Series.


  • series -- Mapping | pandas.core.series.Series: Sample's data.


    from models import Project, SampleSheet, Sample
    prj = Project("ngs")
    sheet = SampleSheet("~/projects/example/sheet.csv", prj)
    s1 = Sample(sheet.iloc[0])


Returns a pandas.Series object with all the sample's attributes.

def as_series(self)


pandas.core.series.Series: pandas Series representationof this Sample, with its attributes.


Check provided sample annotation is valid.

def check_valid(self, required=None)


  • required -- Iterable[str]: collection of required sample attributenames, optional; if unspecified, only a name is required.


(Exception | NoneType, str, str): exception and messages aboutwhat's missing/empty; null with empty messages if there was nothing exceptional or required inputs are absent or not set


Copy self to a new object.

def copy(self)


Determine which of this Sample's required attributes/files are missing.

def determine_missing_requirements(self)


(type, str): hypothetical exception type along with messageabout what's missing; null and empty if nothing exceptional is detected


Create a name for file in which to represent this Sample.

This uses knowledge of the instance's subtype, sandwiching a delimiter between the name of this Sample and the name of the subtype before the extension. If the instance is a base Sample type, then the filename is simply the sample name with an extension.

def generate_filename(self, delimiter='_')


  • delimiter -- str: what to place between sample name and name ofsubtype; this is only relevant if the instance is of a subclass


str: name for file with which to represent this Sample on disk


Generate name for the sample by joining some of its attribute strings.

def generate_name(self)


Get value corresponding to each given attribute.

def get_attr_values(self, attrlist)


  • attrlist -- str: name of an attribute storing a list of attr names


list | NoneType: value (or empty string) corresponding toeach named attribute; null if this Sample's value for the attribute given by the argument to the "attrlist" parameter is empty/null, or if this Sample lacks the indicated attribute


Create a K-V pairs for items originally passed in via the sample sheet.

This is useful for summarizing; it provides a representation of the sample that excludes things like config files and derived entries.

def get_sheet_dict(self)


OrderedDict: mapping from name to value for data elementsoriginally provided via the sample sheet (i.e., the a map-like representation of the instance, excluding derived items)


Retrieve a single subsample by name.

def get_subsample(self, subsample_name)


  • subsample_name -- str: The name of the desired subsample. Shouldmatch the subsample_name column in the subannotation sheet.


peppy.Subsample: Requested Subsample object


Retrieve subsamples assigned to this sample

def get_subsamples(self, subsample_names)


  • subsample_names -- list[str]: List of names of subsamples to retrieve


list[peppy.Subsample]: List of subsamples


Infer value for additional field(s) from other field(s).

Add columns/fields to the sample based on values in those already-set that the sample's project defines as indicative of implications for additional data elements for the sample.

def infer_attributes(self, implications)


  • implications -- Mapping: Project's implied columns data


None: this function mutates state and is strictly for effect


List the sample's data source / input files

def input_file_paths(self)


list[str]: paths to data sources / input file for this Sample.


Determine whether this Sample is inactive.

By default, a Sample is regarded as active. That is, if it lacks an indication about activation status, it's assumed to be active. If, however, and there's an indication of such status, it must be '1' in order to be considered switched 'on.'

def is_dormant(self)


bool: whether this Sample's been designated as dormant


Backwards-compatible alias.

def library(self)


str: The protocol / NGS library name for this Sample.


Uses the template path provided in the project config section "data_sources" to piece together an actual path by substituting variables (encoded by "{variable}"") with sample attributes.

def locate_data_source(self, data_sources, column_name='data_source', source_key=None, extra_vars=None)


  • data_sources -- Mapping: mapping from key name (as a value ina cell of a tabular data structure) to, e.g., filepath
  • column_name -- str: Name of sample attribute(equivalently, sample sheet column) specifying a derived column.
  • source_key -- str: The key of the data_source,used to index into the project config data_sources section. By default, the source key will be taken as the value of the specified column (as a sample attribute). For cases where the sample doesn't have this attribute yet (e.g. in a merge table), you must specify the source key.
  • extra_vars -- dict: By default, this will look topopulate the template location using attributes found in the current sample; however, you may also provide a dict of extra variables that can also be used for variable replacement. These extra variables are given a higher priority.


str: regex expansion of data source specified in configuration,with variable substitutions made


  • ValueError: if argument to data_sources parameter is null/empty


Creates sample directory structure if it doesn't exist.

def make_sample_dirs(self)


Sets the paths of all files for this sample.

def set_file_paths(self, project=None)


  • project -- attmap.PathExAttMap: object with pointers to data paths andsuch, either full Project or PathExAttMap with sufficient data


Set the genome for this Sample.

def set_genome(self, genomes)


  • genomes -- Mapping[str, str]: genome assembly by organism name


Set pipeline-specific sample attributes.

Some sample attributes are relative to a particular pipeline run, like which files should be considered inputs, what is the total input file size for the sample, etc. This function sets these pipeline-specific sample attributes, provided via a PipelineInterface object and the name of a pipeline to select from that interface.

def set_pipeline_attributes(self, pipeline_interface, pipeline_name, permissive=True)


  • pipeline_interface -- PipelineInterface: A PipelineInterfaceobject that has the settings for this given pipeline.
  • pipeline_name -- str: Which pipeline to choose.
  • permissive -- bool: whether to simply log a warning or errormessage rather than raising an exception if sample file is not found or otherwise cannot be read, default True


For a sample with attr ngs_inputs set, this sets the read type (single, paired) and read length of an input file.

def set_read_type(self, rlen_sample_size=10, permissive=True)


  • rlen_sample_size -- int: Number of reads to sample to infer read type,default 10.
  • permissive -- bool: whether to simply log a warning or error messagerather than raising an exception if sample file is not found or otherwise cannot be read, default True.


Set the transcriptome for this Sample.

def set_transcriptome(self, transcriptomes)


  • transcriptomes -- Mapping[str, str]: transcriptome assembly byorganism name


Serializes itself in YAML format.

def to_yaml(self, path=None, subs_folder_path=None, delimiter='_')


  • path -- str: A file path to write yaml to; provide this orthe subs_folder_path
  • subs_folder_path -- str: path to folder in which to place filethat's being written; provide this or a full filepath
  • delimiter -- str: text to place between the sample name and thesuffix within the filename; irrelevant if there's no suffix


str: filepath used (same as input if given, otherwise thepath value that was inferred)


  • ValueError: if neither full filepath nor path to extantparent directory is provided.


Update Sample object with attributes from a dict.

def update(self, newdata, **kwargs)

Class PeppyError

Base error type for peppy custom errors.

Class CommandChecker

Validate PATH availability of executables referenced by a config file.


  • path_conf_file -- str: path to configuration file withsections detailing executable tools to validate
  • sections_to_check -- Iterable[str]: names ofsections of the given configuration file that are relevant; optional, will default to all sections if not given, but some may be excluded via another optional parameter
  • sections_to_skip -- Iterable[str]: analogous tothe check names parameter, but for specific sections to skip.


Determine whether every command succeeded for every config file section that was validated during instance construction.

def failed(self)


bool: conjunction of execution success test result values,obtained by testing each executable in every validated section


From the given Project, grab Sample-independent data.

There are some aspects of a Project of which it's beneficial for a Sample to be aware, particularly for post-hoc analysis. Since Sample objects within a Project are mutually independent, though, each doesn't need to know about any of the others. A Project manages its, Sample instances, so for each Sample knowledge of Project data is limited. This method facilitates adoption of that conceptual model.

def grab_project_data(prj)


  • prj -- Project: Project from which to grab data


Mapping: Sample-independent data sections from given Project


Collect samples of particular protocol(s).

Protocols can't be both positively selected for and negatively selected against. That is, it makes no sense and is not allowed to specify both selector_include and selector_exclude protocols. On the other hand, if neither is provided, all of the Project's Samples are returned. If selector_include is specified, Samples without a protocol will be excluded, but if selector_exclude is specified, protocol-less Samples will be included.

def fetch_samples(proj, selector_attribute=None, selector_include=None, selector_exclude=None)


  • proj -- Project: the Project with Samples to fetch
  • str -- Project: the sample selector_attribute to select for
  • selector_include -- Iterable[str] | str: protocol(s) of interest;if specified, a Sample must
  • selector_exclude -- Iterable[str] | str: protocol(s) to include


list[Sample]: Collection of this Project's samples withprotocol that either matches one of those in selector_include, or either lacks a protocol or does not match one of those in selector_exclude


  • TypeError: if both selector_include and selector_exclude protocols arespecified; TypeError since it's basically providing two arguments when only one is accepted, so remain consistent with vanilla Python2

Version Information: peppy v0.20, generated by lucidoc v0.3