Hello world

This brief tutorial will run your first basic pypiper pipeline to ensure you have everything set up correctly.

Just run these 3 lines of code and you're running your first pypiper pipeline!

Install the latest version of pypiper

pip install --user piper

Download hello_pypiper.py

wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/databio/pypiper/master/example_pipelines/hello_pypiper.py

This is a basic pipeline. Here are the contents:

cat ../example_pipelines/hello_pypiper.py
#!/usr/bin/env python

import pypiper
outfolder = "hello_pypiper_results" # Choose a folder for your results

# Create a PipelineManager, the workhorse of pypiper
pm = pypiper.PipelineManager(name="hello_pypiper", outfolder=outfolder)

# Timestamps to delineate pipeline sections are easy:

# Now build a command-line command however you like, and pass it to pm.run()
target_file = "hello_pypiper_results/output.txt"
cmd = "echo 'Hello, Pypiper!' > " + target_file
pm.run(cmd, target_file)


Run it!

python3 ../example_pipelines/hello_pypiper.py
### [Pipeline run code and environment:]

*              Command:  `../example_pipelines/hello_pypiper.py`
*         Compute host:  nox
*          Working dir:  /home/sheffien/code/pypiper/docs_jupyter
*            Outfolder:  hello_pypiper_results/
*  Pipeline started at:   (03-16 23:47:37) elapsed: 0.0 _TIME_

### [Version log:]

*       Python version:  3.6.7
*          Pypiper dir:  `/home/sheffien/.local/lib/python3.6/site-packages/pypiper`
*      Pypiper version:  0.9.5dev
*         Pipeline dir:  `/home/sheffien/code/pypiper/example_pipelines`
*     Pipeline version:  None
*        Pipeline hash:  b'134e8c8f723da66697ab4f5b204315979b4e1042\n'
*      Pipeline branch:  b'* dev\n'
*        Pipeline date:  b'2019-03-16 11:41:56 -0400\n'
*        Pipeline diff:  b' 1 file changed, 16 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)\n'

### [Arguments passed to pipeline:]


Changed status from initializing to running.
No config file
Hello! (03-16 23:47:37) elapsed: 0.0 _TIME_

Target to produce: `hello_pypiper_results/output.txt`

> `echo 'Hello, Pypiper!' > hello_pypiper_results/output.txt`

Process 128 returned: (0). Elapsed: 0:00:00. Peak memory: (Process: None; Pipeline: 0GB)

Changed status from running to completed.

> `Time`    0:00:00 hello_pypiper   _RES_

> `Success` 03-16-23:47:37  hello_pypiper   _RES_

##### [Epilogue:]
*   Total elapsed time:  0:00:00
*     Peak memory used:  0 GB
* Pipeline completed at:  (03-16 23:47:37) elapsed: 0.0 _TIME_

Pypiper terminating spawned child process 114...(tee)

This output is printed to your screen and also recorded in a log file (called hello_pypiper_log.md). There are a few other outputs from the pipeline as well. All results are placed in a folder called hello_pypiper_results. Navigate to that folder to observe the output of the pipeline, which will include these files:

  • hello_pypiper_commands.sh
  • hello_pypiper_completed.flag
  • hello_pypiper_log.md
  • hello_pypiper_profile.tsv
  • output.txt
  • stats.tsv

These files are explained in more detail in the reference section outputs explained.

What's next? That depends on if you're interested in just running pypiper pipelines, or if you want to develop pypiper pipelines. The next sections are a series of HOW-TO articles that address each of these scenarios.