Plot one or multiple methylation profiles. Displays each region set in a different subplot. If you only want to plot certain region sets, subset with the `featID` parameter.
plotMIRAProfiles(binnedRegDT, featID = unique(binnedRegDT[, featureID]), plotType = "line", colBlindOption = FALSE)
binnedRegDT | A datatable with specific column names containing: bin numbers(binnedRegionDT column), aggregated methylation values (methylProp column), name of the region set (featureID column), case/control column (sampleType column), sample name (sampleName column). |
featID | Region set names in a single string or vector of strings. |
plotType | Line or jitter (ggplot2). |
colBlindOption | If TRUE, function will plot with a color blind friendly palette which could be helpful when plotting multiple colors. |
A plot of class "gg"/ "ggplot" that shows MIRA signatures
data("exampleBins", package = "MIRA") MIRAplot = plotMIRAProfiles(binnedRegDT = exampleBins)