Splits up samples by sample type. Displays each region set in a different subplot. If you only want to plot certain region sets, subset with the `featID` parameter.

plotMIRAScores(scoreDT, featID = unique(scoreDT[, featureID]),
  colBlindOption = FALSE)



A datatable with the following columns: score, featureID (names of regions), ideally include 'sampleType'.


Region set name/names in a single string or vector of strings.


If TRUE, function will plot with a color blind friendly palette which could be helpful when plotting multiple colors.


a plot of class "gg"/"ggplot" that shows MIRA scores with geom_boxplot and geom_jitter (or geom_violin instead of boxplot if no sampleType column is given).


Due to the limited number of colors in the palette, a warning will be issued if there are too many (more than 9) region sets ('featureID's).


data(bigBinDT2) exScores = bigBinDT2[, .(score=scoreDip(methylProp, shoulderShift = 5)), by = .(featureID, sampleName)] # adding annotation sampleType = rep(c("Ewing", "Muscle-related"), each = 24) exScores = cbind(exScores, sampleType) exScorePlot = plotMIRAScores(exScores)